Suzy Williams


Suzy Williams, founder of Suzy Quilts, is rooted in a deep love for the heritage and tradition of quilting and a desire to craft unique, contemporary textiles. With a BFA in visual communications, Suzy uses her graphic design background to transform conventional sewing into a fresh, personal interpretation of minimal, modern design. Suzy is a BERNINA Expert Ambassador, Craftsy Instructor, member of the Modern Quilt Guild and has been published in multiple books and magazines. She has worked in collaboration with large corporations such as Toyota and Crate & Kids as well as Birch Fabrics, Windham Fabrics, Hoffman Fabrics, Art Gallery Fabrics and Cloud9 Fabrics. Currently Suzy lives in Chicago, IL with her husband, John and two young children, Desi and Joanna.


Sweet Jane

I’ve been wanting to write a Mother’s Day post about my sweet mom for a couple months now. The more I think about it, however, the more my thinking has turned to fretting. I want to say so many things and make this tribute to my mother the most beautiful, insightful, ground-breaking thing she has ever read that


How to Make a Simple Square in a Square Quilt Block

Subtitle: The Life-Changing Magic of Beautiful Fabric

One aspect of sewing that all quilters deeply experience is the power of beautiful fabric. Beautiful fabric will make us quilters do crazy, irrational...partially erratic things – like convert a guest room into more fabric storage, even though you have lots of company and they would REALLY appreciate not having to spend the first hour of their visit pushing fabric off all of the furniture; like labeling boxes of fabric “MORE TAMPONS” so your husband never fully knows how much you actually have; like buying yardage from your favorite designer knowing full well that you love it waaaay too much to ever cut into it – thus perpetuating the cycle of having stacks and stack of too much fabric.


The Making Of A Quilter

In The Beginning

I have now been quilting for exactly half of my life. I started at the impressionable age of 15 and am now...ahum...well, you can do the math 🙂 I wasn't exactly a "cool kid" back then. Let me paint a quick picture.


Drip Quilt Dance Off…With Myself

The conversation I'm going to have with my husband tonight...

Me: How was your day today, honey?

John: Super busy and kinda stressful. I had a conference call at 9AM, an 11AM dashboard deadline and another client call at 2. After that I figured out a complex algorithm to better display the statistical analysis of my market research.


Gingham Spring Quilt

There’s no dancing around the issue, so I’m just going to come out and say it.

I’m a feminist.

A radical, equality-love’n, girl-power karate-kick’n feminist (I’m not totally sure karate has anything to do with feminism, but it sounded good in the moment).