Free Quilt Pattern Coloring Pages: Print at Home!

Get these free quilt pattern coloring pages by simply downloading the PDF and printing them on your home computer! Print and reprint for hours of coloring fun with kids or adults. #coloringsheets #freequiltpatterns

Since first writing this post in 2020 I have updated these free quilt pattern coloring pages to include many more quilt designs that have since been released. These line art coloring pages are created as an easy-to-print multi-page PDF. You can print one quilt pattern or all of them. Each sheet is 8.5" x 11" and can be printed at home for your kids or yourself!

If you don't have a home printer, you can recolor these geometric designs on your phone or tablet with the ReColor app. I filmed a less than tech savvy tutorial on how to use this free app and you can check it out in the Suzy Quilts Patterns Facebook group

To give you some context, because I don't typically create printable coloring sheets, it's March 23, 2020 and chances are you're stuck at home under strict guidelines to not leave your house unless it's absolutely essential. Here in Chicago we are on the second week of our COVID-19 quarantine. Yes, it may be only two weeks, but to those of us with energetic kids, it feels like two months!

Let me tell you, Scrappy has had enough. She is ready for Desi to get out of the house, or at least, out of her space.

Get these free quilt pattern color sheets by simply downloading the PDF and printing them on your home computer! Print and reprint for hours of coloring with kids or adults. #coloringsheets #freequiltpatterns

I try to coax Desi into petting his stuffed animals, but he only has eyes for Scrap....poor pup....

Get these free quilt pattern color sheets by simply downloading the PDF and printing them on your home computer! Print and reprint for hours of coloring with kids or adults. #coloringsheets #freequiltpatterns

Scrappy's favorite time is Desi's nap time (which also happens to be one of my favorite times too.) During those two precious naps, Scrap enjoys quiet moments that remind her of her old life when she was the only baby and all of the quilts belonged to her.

Get these free quilt pattern color sheets by simply downloading the PDF and printing them on your home computer! Print and reprint for hours of coloring with kids or adults. #coloringsheets #freequiltpatterns

I say all of this because if you too have kids, pets or even a restless roommate, times are tough and we need things to do! I'm continually reaching for my phone searching the internet for ways to entertain the children. My one major roadblock is that Desi is only 13 months, and that is a bit too young for most activities.

This morning I made him play dough, but instead of actually playing with the dough he poked it once and then spent 5 minutes sucking on a cookie cutter. This afternoon I actually got so desperate for something to do I let him play with leftover sticky rice on top of a cardboard box. Just typing that sentence makes me laugh! Let me explain.

I saw on Facebook or Pinterest or some rainbow-colored pre-school blog that rice in a tub is a great activity for kids. Children can put their toys in the rice, scoop it, dump it, shake it, swirl it, scratch get the picture. Well, due to the world going MAD and my local grocery store not having dried rice anymore, I decided that cooked rice would be just as good.

And, instead of a tub, I'd use a broken down box because that's what I already had in my kitchen.


Get these free quilt pattern color sheets by simply downloading the PDF and printing them on your home computer! Print and reprint for hours of coloring with kids or adults. #coloringsheets #freequiltpatterns
Get these free quilt pattern color sheets by simply downloading the PDF and printing them on your home computer! Print and reprint for hours of coloring with kids or adults. #coloringsheets #freequiltpatterns

This scene is not what the educational blog looked like.


Friends, I'm confessing my very questionable parenting in an attempt to explain why I felt the need to spend Desi's two precious naps making these free quilt pattern coloring pages. We all desperately need things to do! Am I right?

Click the link below for your free quilt pattern coloring pages and please let me know in the comments if you or your kids enjoy coloring these! I hope you stay well and sane until this pandemic is behind us. We're in this together!

Get these free quilt pattern coloring pages by simply downloading the PDF and printing them on your home computer! Print and reprint for hours of coloring fun with kids or adults. #coloringsheets #freequiltpatterns

15 thoughts on “Free Quilt Pattern Coloring Pages: Print at Home!

  1. Danielle says:

    Yes! This is just what my 6 year old (and I) needed today once her schoolwork was done! Both she and my 8 year old designed their own Mod Mountains as I was making mine, so they are thrilled to have more quilts to color!

  2. Vicky says:

    I hope Scrappy isn’t a picky eater and cleaned up the rice so you didn’t have to.
    It reminds me of the first time my son stood up. We had a wonderful rescue Golden Retriever/Chow mix, so lots of long hair. My son was sitting on the floor with me, the dog walked over to make sure she wasn’t missing out. In a flash, he reached up, grabbed her fur and stood up. My first thought was the dog would take off with him hanging on, but she just stood there until he let go and sat down. The dog then moved out of the reaching zone. She was wonderful with our kids.

  3. Adele says:

    Yes! Thanks so much! These are wonderful for both myself and a granddaughter that I will help watch because her daycare was closed yesterday. Both her parents and grandparents (myself) are still working, so we’re going to share the five days each week!

  4. Tricia says:

    Awww, thank you so much, Suzy! It is very sweet of you to share these beautiful patterns with us as coloring pages!! And I just have to say, I LOVE the picture of Desi behind all the stuffed animals ❤️ He loves the camera!! Stay safe and healthy!

  5. Barbara Minami says:

    Desi is so adorable. You seem to capture his personality in the pics. For grandmas like me, it is delightful! Ty

  6. Julie says:

    Thanks for making these coloring pages free without having to sign up or give my email or anything. I appreciate it and will have fun with my kids. We don’t quilt, but we like coloring!

  7. Jane Patch says:

    Desi is just adorable! ( Not saying Scrap isn’t!)
    Enjoy your stories and photos of the real life of a quilter

  8. Heidi N. says:

    Best use of cooked rice ever! I so wish I had known about its entertainment properties when mine was little…he’d have loved it, my dogs would have loved it, and I would have had a good laugh!! Thanks for sharing (and for the coloring pages, too)!

  9. Joan says:

    We’ve all been there – dogs, kids and in our house it’s the Magic Corn Starch! Thanks for the coloring pages! I am awful at picking my our colors and hopefully this will help! Thanks again,

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