Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines


There are so many different quilt marking tools available to sewers, it can be a little bit overwhelming and a LOT bit scary since many of them come with their own whispered horror story. Let me do my best to clear away the mystery surrounding some of these tools so you can go forth and draw guide marks with confidence.

This post was inspired when an IG follower recently requested that I post a tutorial on how to quilt straight lines. Now, I don’t know if they expected me to dive as deeply into the process as I am doing here, but I thought I might as well...because I love you and you inspire me to be a better quilter. MUAH! 

You should know that I try my best to be efficient while being accurate, however I am not a perfectionist. I think finished and good is always better than unfinished and perfect. When you see a quilt like the one below, my Triangle Jitters quilt (pattern available in the shop), I should tell you that I did not use any quilt marking tools. I eye-balled the whole thing. It's not perfect, but it's pretty close and that's good enough for me. In this case I used the side of my walking foot as a guide rather than painstakingly drawing out guidelines. 

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools

However, throughout the process of piecing a quilt and when hand quilting, I draw a lot of guide marks. So keep in mind that when using quilt marking tools, there is definitely a right way, a wrong way and an "OH MY GOSH NOOOOO!" way. Stay tuned for a first-hand dramatic tale of the OMGN way, starring yours truly.

Trending patterns!

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But first… here are some great options for marking your quilt so your lines are as straight… or as curvy… as you dreamed they could be (you better be reading, person who requested this post).

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools
Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools

It's no secret that this funny little quilt marking tool is my favorite. I get a lot of great tips from my fellow quilters on social media and this marking tool might be my favorite tip yet. I love it so much I even wrote a whole blog post about it! 5 Reasons Why a Hera Marker is the Best Quilt Marking Tool.

Yes, it is basically the equivalent of a dull butter knife, but because of its smooth finish it will never ever ever snag your fabric...unlike a dull butter knife. It creates a crease in the fabric, so no actual marks are ever made – just a subtle guideline.

When a hera marker and a ruler get together, they make the best straight lines without leaving AN ACTUAL MARK on your fabric. So no worrying, "Will it wash out? Will it rub out? Will it lick out??"

Great for lefties and righties, big hands or small, you really can’t go wrong with the hera marker.

I recently improv hand quilted for the first time. Technically, I guess it was only 85% improv because I did use my trusty hera marker to make guide marks a few steps ahead of my stitching.

I sewed beautifully organic looking freehanded hills all over this Fly Away quilt (pattern available for instant download in the shop). You can see the photo above.

Did I really need these guidelines to do my curvy improv hand quilting? Maybe not. But did they help me sew faster and with more confidence? You bet!

Chalk Pen

The official name for this tidy little chalk pen is Pen Style Chaco Liner. But since that sounds like a bunch of words mashed up in a name longer than the chalk pen itself, let's just call it what it is. A chalk pen.

Chalk is a pretty popular choice as a quilt marking tool, and this Clover chalk pen (also in a cool, triangle shape) has a nice, smooth feel to it. Definitely do a fabric test before using it, and don’t press too hard (read about these tips and more below). 

I like to use contrasting chalk when drawing my guidelines for half square triangles. One thing I've noticed though, is that if you stack fabric on top of fabric, the chalk can smudge off – getting where you don't want it to be and erasing your guideline.

I personally don’t use chalk on a finished quilt top because I’m scared… er… smart. During some of my fabric swatch testing, the chalk hasn't completely come out. So always always test.

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-toolst-marking-tool

It don't need to be pretty and it don't need to be fancy. I used masking tape as my go-to quilt marking tool before discovering the hera marker. 

In my How to Baste a Quilt tutorial I mention the importance of using wide tape when sticking your backing to the floor. The opposite is true in this case. Find something in the 3/4" range. 

Lay your ruler down and place the edge of the tape against the ruler and onto the fabric. You can use the same piece of tape many times, because it doesn't need to remain sticky, just tacky enough to stay on the fabric. I love tape for the same reason I love my hera – no visible marks.

Masking tape is better for those who cannot see the faint crease lines made by a hera marker. If I don't have my glasses cleaned well and all of the lights on, I struggle to see the hera guidelines.

However there are two drawbacks to tape:

  1. It's really hard to do any kind of design other than straight lines.
  2. Even after reusing a piece of tape multiple times, once finished with a quilt, you're still left with a wad of tape to throw into the garbage – making this option not very eco-friendly.

The cool kid quilters are talking about this thing called “Quilt Pounce,” where you can transfer stencils onto fabric by running the pounce pad, kind of like a chalky ink pad, over the design to transfer it. I have not tried this, so I am very curious for your reviews if you have.

If this quilt marking tool lives up to the hype, it's definitely an efficient and accurate method if you’re using stencils!

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools

These nifty little pencils claim to disappear when wiped off with water. The great part about them? They come in different colors so you can switch them out based on the fabric you have. 

I know I'm sounding like a broken record, ya'll, but test these babies before using them. To be really safe, test them over time and heat. I have heard quilt horror stories about phantom guide marks rising from the dead weeks later. That could be a scary story quilters only tell while huddled around campfires, but it has scared me to my core nonetheless. So much so, that I am passing this fable along to you.

I know, it pretty much sounds like a pen from the future… but they actually make pens with ink that disappears IN AIR. Basically, you can make marks that will disappear over time. 

You know what I'm going to say next. So I'm not even going to say it.

OK I'm totally going to say it. TEST FIRST!

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools

Tips When Using Any Quilt Marking Tool:

  • Follow Directions. It’s so simple, yet so inexplicably hard sometimes. I want to just be like, hey, I know how to use a pen, and throw the packaging away… but resist the urge. Some marking tools have specific instructions, especially regarding contact with water or heat. Do your homework. You’ll never regret it. 
  • Test It First: Did you think I wasn't going to take one last opportunity to mention this? 😉 Do a quick test on every piece of fabric you want to use it on to see if the marks actually disappear completely. It’ll take you 10 seconds, and save you from a world of pain and grief....and depression and crying and wandering around your neighborhood shouting heavenward, "Why didn't I just do a TEST???"
  • Don’t Press Too Hard. Now, I know all of you are logical, clear-headed people, but there’s a fine line between simply pressing, and pressing too hard. This is especially true for any pens or pencils with fine tips. Sharp pencils can do damage to your quilt! Don’t worry about not being able to see the marks, and go easy on your muscles. If you think pressing that water soluble marker is going to make it show up better, I can already tell you it won't. Chances are it's dried out and you need to replace it.

AND NOW, the moment you have all been waiting for…

The Harrowing Tale of How Suzy Used a Regular Lead Pencil to Draw Guide Marks Before Cutting and It Didn’t Wash Out

Okay, so basically the title says it all, but that doesn’t make this any less of a horror story. If I would have taken a minute to do a test (or even just used my brain), I would have known.

Don’t be me. Test. Read directions. And just don’t ever use a regular lead pencil. I'm ashamed to say that this happened not so very long ago...

(You may recognize this quilt (Stars Hollow). I wanted to subtly sew my border strips together with a 45-degree seam so I drew this line on the back side of the fabric. Obvi I never stopped to think that a dark lead pencil line would show through cream poplin....ugh.)

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools

Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines The BEST Quilt Marking Tools | Suzy Quilts https://suzyquilts.com/quilt-marking-tools

Additional info based on multiple comments:

Here's the scoop on Frixion Erasable Pens by Pilot. They were not designed for quilters or crafters, but because the ink "disappears" when in contact with heat, many quilters have started using them. Things you should know about this product:

  • According to the manufacturer, this is actually not an erasable pen (even though the title says erasable...come on Pilot!). It is a thermo-sensitive ink gel pen – which means that even though the ink disappears when heated, it also reappears when cooled.
  • Through various tests it seems that after using this pen on dark fabric when heat is applied, the lines actually appear ghosted rather than disappear. 
  • These pens are permanent, so the ink will not fully wash out.

My conclusion is to keep these Frixion Erasable Pens away from your quilts. There are other, better products out there.

I want to hear all about your favorite quilt marking tools! What works? What doesn't work? What quilt marking tools are you anxious to try? Share in the comments!

94 thoughts on “Quilt Marking Tools: Different Ways to Draw Guidelines

  1. lMcQ says:

    I only use black and blue Frixion pens by Pilot. They do a great job of marking lines and simply disappear when you iron them. I’ve heard of the Hera markers, but following an inked line is easier for my eyes to see than one creased into the fabric.

      • stephanie Woodward says:

        I have heard to be careful using these if you are in a cold climate. If the quilt gets cold the lines come back, and even the Frixion people say they are not for fabric. Make some marks on fabric, iron them and put in freezer. See if you are still pleased.

        • KATHY ENSMINGER says:

          It’s very true! It happened to me. I used a pink on white and just as I heard the tale, I took it to the freezer and sure enough all the pink lines were there! It was a gift for my daughter who lives in northern Utah….

    • Lindsay says:

      Frixion pens can also leave a ghost mark on darker fabrics. I still use them, but only where I know they’ll be hidden in a seam.

    • Shannon says:

      I love my Frixion pens and markers for marking lines for HSTs and what not. But, I’ve had HORRIFIC results of these pens bleaching darker fabric when I’ve used it to mark my quilting lines. I’ve also heard of these lines reappearing in cold climates. I now reserve them only for areas that won’t be visible!! 😉

  2. Barbara Esposito says:

    Thank you for the marking round-up! I have use the Pounce Pad and the marks do come out with just the steam from my iron. The Pounce comes in different colors too. The Pounce Pad has to be “primed” for the first use and you should store it upside down to prevent too much Pounce collecting on the pad. The caveat is that you need stencils to use it. There are tons available but somehow (as with fabric) I never seem to have the right one and I need to buy more! I have used the air erase pens and still have the scrap of fabric with the blue and the pink mark on it… As for my horror story, DO NOT use Frixion pens! They do erase with steam but the color creeps back. The Frixion pens even say that you can write secret messages to your friends by erasing the words and putting the paper in the freezer – the words “magically” reappear! Yikes! OK so I don’t pull my quilts out in my igloo, but who wants to take a chance? Thanks again for the post. I think I need a Hera marker and a roll of masking tape!

    • Suzy Quilts says:

      Great info, Barbara! I’m so happy to hear a review from someone with first hand experience using the Pounce Pad. I definitely need to get one and try it out myself. Those Frixion pens sound dangerous! I will steer clear! xo

      • Melissa says:

        I used Frixion pens to mark a quilt made with batik – it immediately bleached a line, not related to cold weather.

    • Laura says:

      I am SO glad I read these comments! My local quilt shop sells the Frixion pens out of a bucket by the register–no instructions included! They just told me it’ll go away with pressing. Definitely not going to use it anywhere visible!!!

  3. Linda says:

    On those occasions when I am using stencils to mark the top for quilting, I use baby powder in the pouncer instead of the chalk. It’s easier to brush off, and gives the quilt a lovely scent that lingers when the quilt is in storage. (Remember that in earlier eras, paprika was often used to mark using hand-made needle-punched stencils.) I also use ceramic pens and the air soluble markers.

  4. Lindsay McCleve says:

    I’ve tried the air soluble pens and because my kids are unpredictable I’ve found that the marks are gone when I get free time to quilt again. I’ve never heard of the Hera market and I’m excited to try it.

    • Sumayyah says:

      The Dritz dual purpose pen is an absolute nightmare. I despise everything about that pen especially the purple side with the air disappearing ink. I marked my fabric out using the pen lightly as recommended within 10 minutes you could no longer see my marks. I wasn’t really worried as I had marked the areas with my clips and pins and could visualize what needed to be done. I had wrinkled a section of fabric so I went to iron it out. As the iron went over the area the darkest of purple markings appeared. Most were hidden within the seams and I didn’t have time to play around with it to see if or how it could be fixed as the customer was on her way to pick it up. She has been wearing the item and hasn’t said anything so hopefully it is okay. My favorite pencil so far for dark fabrics has been the Nonce Marking Pencil for dark fabrics it’s water soluble it’s white comes with a cap I’m assuming to keep the pencil soft. It makes nice thin crisp lines and wipes easily off.

  5. Judy says:

    My favorite marking tool is wash away light weight stabilizer that the machine embroiderers use . I trace my design on and either pin or use a little glue stick and attach to my project. Very easy to hand stitch through and when done I cut away any large access pieces and wash like I normally would. I like using a sharpie pen (not ball point) for tracing my design. This works well on any size project from table runners to full size quilts. I have done my hand quilting quilts this way for many years.

    • Maggie Drafts says:

      Judy, I do use the h2o stabilizer when doing machine embroidery and just wetting the tip of your finger and touching the stabilizer will make it stick to your quilt surface.

  6. Wendy says:

    Oh I did what you did with pencil, but with a regular ballpoint pen 😱 Not smart, but lesson definitely learned!! Now I use a chalk pencil and I have some really cool ‘quilters tape’ someone gave me that’s 1/4″ masking tape!!

  7. Jessica Rampelburg says:

    I don’t mark any HST, I use the angler 2 on my machine and save a ton of time! Unless they are tiny. But am looking for a Quilting marking tool.

  8. Janet says:

    Oh Suzy — my cat makes a great marking tool. I just sew where the hair “isn’t” and that is usually the place where I start quilting….LOL

  9. Emily says:

    Today at work when your email came through I somewhat loudly exclaimed “Yay Suzy Quilts newsletter!” and my coworkers have been making fun of me all afternoon but it was completely worth it to come home and read this. Thanks for the Friday afternoon boost and the information! Time to go visit my quilt shops!

  10. Rhonda Crisp says:

    I use the heat soluble markers that I can just iron over because I usually have to iron it anyway. I am a beginner quilter (have only made 3 adult quilts and 1 baby quilt and almost finished another baby quilt so I don’t have much knowledge of all the mentioned methods. The Hera Marker sounds interesting. I’ve never seen them in any catalogs or websites I’ve been on that I can remember. Where can you order them from?

    • Suzy Quilts says:

      I get most of my notions from Amazon because they arrive in two days and are usually cheaper than anywhere else. If you click the Hera Marker link or image, it will take you to the Amazon page where I got mine.

  11. Mary says:

    I have only used masking tape since I’ve only done straight line quilting so far. I love your tips. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Andrea says:

    Brilliant information thank you. I’m off to get myself a Hera.
    I’ve only recently come across your blog/site and it’s exactly what I need for venturing further into quilt making. Your contemporary style resonates with me, thank you very much for the tips and tricks.

    • Suzy Quilts says:

      I try to. I used to quilt back and forth but found the the fabric pulls slightly according to the direction you’re sewing. It you sew lines going the same direction, that pulling is not as visible.

  13. Fran says:

    Want to hear an even scarier horror story?! Einstein here was using a frixon to mark my seams on a hexie quilt made from 1930’s reproduction and white precuts. I don’t really know what happened but I marked a gazillion hexies and stopped for something and then started back. After a gazillion more hexies I looked at my hand and I had accidentally picked up a fine tip Sharpie Marker and had been using that by mistake!!! I just sewed them up anyway and right now it is still a UFO. This one was for me so I’ll just finish it, use it and laugh at myself every time I see a little black dot!

      • Kasie says:

        Glad to hear I am not the only one with a Sharpie v. quilt horror story! All Sharpies, pencils and pens have been moved far away from my workspace in the sewing room! 🙄

  14. Ann says:

    I love my Hera marker and it’s my most often used tool for marking. I have water soluble pens which I love too. Unfortunately I bought some highlighters and one was a blue, like the water soluble pen. You guessed it I marked a stitching line with highlighter. Lesson learned.
    What a great post Suzy. Thanks for sharing your trials, tribulations and horror story.

  15. Elisa Alegria says:

    Thank you for your sharing your experience Susy, it is really helpful. I also have a horror story with the chalk marker, I had used it before, but this time I forgot that the line was on the right side, I need to pressed it because I am doing a quilt that is quilted by parts, so I pressed the joint, exactly where I marked!! After finished, I remember that some markers gets permanent wIth hot, and I read on the web, this is the case, I haven’t washed it yet, I don’t know if it’ll come out!! I think I am not ready to discover the outcome!

    • Suzy Quilts says:

      Hmmm….I don’t think all hope is lost. Have you tried taking a damp rag to the area? If that doesn’t work, you can treat it like a stain and use something like OxiClean. I’ve done that with fabric dye bleeds and it has worked pretty well. I bet you can still get most of the chalk out. I’ll cross my fingers. 🙂

  16. Karen says:

    I have used blue painter tape, it’s not as sticky as masking tape but you can reuse each piece many times. I just finished a larger quilt and used my wood sylus (pointy stick) and a short ruler to mark straight lines as I worked my was along. Worked great and NO tape.

  17. Chris K. says:

    Marking is so frustrating because of needing different colors to show up on dark and light fabrics. Seems like the ones that are satisfactory are always incompatible. That is, if one irons away, the other has to be washed away and will be set if you iron it. That’s why I’ve pretty much settled on Frixion pens. Also, if you make a mistake marking, it’s a lot easier to get rid of the wrong lines. I’ve heard a rumor that if you wash your quilt after ironing away the lines, they won’t come back with cold, but I haven’t tested that yet.

  18. Sharon P. says:

    I was marking a quilt top with a Frixion pen, stopped to do something, came back and had marked the next block when I realized I had used a ball point pen. I tried all the tricks and finally found a stain remover on Amazon that took it out. That was stressful to say the least.

  19. Shirley says:

    I have a Hera marker that I thought was just a presser/creaser (I threw away the packaging) and never heard of using it as a marker. Thanks so much for the tips and I will definitely being using it to mark my quilting lines now.

  20. Doris says:

    Suzy I have a beautiful quilt that I paid a lot to have hand quilted and the quilter used a lead pencil now I can’t get the marks out. Will you tell me a good product to use to get the pencil marks out? Thanks

    • Suzy Quilts says:

      Oh bummer. That’s a real shame. I feel the need to have a moment of silence for your quilt before launching into possible solutions.

      OK. Moment over. Let’s fix it!

      First off, I’d have a long talk with that hand quilter. If that person is going to spend the time to stitch every single stitch by hand, I have a hard time believing that they used a lead pencil without a solution on getting it out. If they don’t have a good fix, you could try a few different things.

      First, and easiest, rub a clean pencil eraser on the areas. Sometimes that simple solution works. If that still leaves lead residue, treat the areas like a stain and use something like OxiClean to spot scrub the lead out. As soon as you have used the OxiClean or detergent, you will want to fully wash the quilt. Check out this article on fabric bleeds to read about soaking a problematic quilt.

      This article is all about basic instructions on washing a quilt – https://suzyquilts.com/wash-and-care-for-a-quilt/

      Good luck! I’m crossing my fingers for you. xo

  21. Vicki says:

    I use frixion pens all the time and as long as I use them lightly and a warm iron with NO STEAM I have no problems. Steam seems to set a white mark in. I live in Australia so there’s no problem with the super cold issue here!

    • Jenny Stenning says:

      Yes this is my experience, frixxion pens work well, very smooth surfaced fabrics seem more likely to leave white ghosts, but as always test first. We don’t get too many frosts in the UK these days so return g isn’t a problem. Will try pounce for speed though..

  22. Sherron says:

    I’ve heard that if you heavily starch your fabric the pencil lines would technically be on the starch instead of the fabric and it will wash out easier.

  23. TAMMY M BROWN says:

    I am new to sewing and I need to make lines on batting for microwave bowls does any one now what works well for this? I keep finding the batting just gets all fuzzy where I try to draw my lines and doesn’t give me a nice straight line. Thank you

  24. Jennifer Smith says:

    After my niece begged me to try making a rag quilt for her nursery, I found that I needed to mark the stitching lines with “something.” I went to the local fabric store and began my search. I found all the usual suspects, but when I began reading the backs of the packaging almost all of them had some type of warning especially when using them with red or pink. Did I mention my niece was having a girl? In my frustration, I thought, “Why don’t they make a washable marker?” Then the school teacher in me remembered the erasable markers they require for elementary students. Guess what – they work! I marked my lines, stitched my rag quilt, threw it in the washer and “TA -DA! ALL of the marks were gone. I never pressed the pieces so my method wasn’t heat tested. But my set of 24 colors of washable fine point markers are now in my sewing kit and will stay there! I will definitely do a test with pressing first before I attempt my first “real quilt.”

    • Claire says:

      Jennifer that is brilliant!! I’m stealing my son’s markers tonight! I used the Clover water soluble blue pen on my most recent quilt and quilted it over a few days and immediately washed it – markings from that morning washed out, but the ones from earlier in the week didn’t. :/ I’m not going to focus on the slightly yellowed dots and I hope my sister doesn’t either!!

    • Carmen says:

      I also have used washable markers with success. Once I even had marked the quilt and didn’t get around to sewing it for several weeks. Once done and tossed in the washing machine all the marks came out!

  25. Alicia says:

    Another item that you might already have on hand is one of those pattern markers with the wheel. It makes a crease in the fabric only. Just don’t press too hard!

    • Yvonne says:

      I am new to quilting as well and have been looking for ideas for marking straight lines. One pencil that I used ,the lead kept breaking before I could get a sharp point. The other pen I purchased today is useless and will be returning it tomorrow as it didn’t leave a mark at all. Your idea of using the pattern marker wheel sounds great. I will give that a go tomorrow as I think I will be able to see the dots better than a line left with the Hera Marker.

  26. Sandy says:

    Thank you so much for all the ideas. I am a hand quilter and use a hoop so my quilts are handled quite a lot in the quilting process. I have tried chalk makers (Bohin), pounce pads, and Fine Line stencil marker, washable pens, you name it. Nothing seems to work well on intricate designs. Chalk, even the kind that says it won’t disappear until you iron it, disappears before I can get it quilted. AAARGH!!! Somewhere in my sewing stuff there is a Hera, but I doubt it would work on small bear pawprints (especially toes and claws). The light weight stabilizer and the washable markers for kids sound promising, but will definitely test first. I have used masking tape and the 1/4″ quilter’s tape for straight lines – work great. Again thanks for all the wonderful ideas. Happy quilting!

  27. Melissa Coe says:

    Hi there. I am fairly new to quilting bu love your demos and site. Can you tell me what the name of the quilt shown here in the peaches and blues is called? I love the colors.

    • Jen says:

      Would you pls say more about this? I am new to quilting and like the idea, but would appreciate more details. Thanks!

  28. Rachel says:

    In my experience the Frixion Erasable pen marks go away when pressed but always come back when the project gets cold. User beware!

  29. Pam says:

    After having water-soluble market and even chalk that does not wash out, I am all for the Hera. It’s possible that I am too sloppy/spazzing for anything else, sadly!

  30. Ann Marie says:

    Cold water & ivory soap will take anything out. I got blueberry stains on a new white shirt…..it’s no longer stained. You wet with cold water, soap it up, scrub, rinse, & depending on what it is. Repeat till stain is gone. It took a bit on my shirt but it worked. I learnt this from a ole’ ladies laundry tip book I bought yrs ago. I’m never out of ivory soap. It’s also great for washing makeup brushes out…keeps the soft and they will last for YEARS.

  31. Lanelle says:

    Regarding the pounce pads… I tried them when I was first learning free motion quilting. I quickly quit using them because 1) the chalk comes off if it rubs against other fabric, and 2) the chalk goes everywhere and has a gritty feeling. I also think it affected the way my machine quilted. Its hard to explain; I think the grit affected how the needle when through the fabric and retrieved the bobbin thread. Stitches weren’t pretty. It was just too much work. I now use the Crayola Washable Markers and have used them for a couple of years. Laura on Sew Very Easy did a test on them and pressed the stew out of part of the fabric. I was glad to see that even the ironed part came out with a gentle washing. These are my go to markers!

  32. Stacie says:

    I have a question. I have not sewn in twenty-some years. Have never quilted. I am very bad at making good even stitching. Is there a tool for marking basic hand stitching? I have searched everywhere I know and haven’t found one. Please help a complete idiot in this .

  33. Kelly says:

    Oh my goodness. Thank you for the laugh as well as the wisdom. 😂 I’ve used those silver/gray fabric marking pencils, but they are less than satisfying. I’m going to try that crease making tool for my next quilt. The instructions will probably tell me, but do I use the tool to mark as I go? It doesn’t make sense that creases would remain if I try to mark it all out like with a pencil. Just wondering how it works.

  34. Madeleine Dadgari says:

    WOW! I am new to your site and have learned so much already. I can see I am going to really enjoy being a part of your quilting community.

  35. Charlie Grana-Benn says:

    Dear Suzy Quilts,
    Quilting, over 50 years-bedquilts and art creations, galore. Now, creating 6 x 4 ft. wall hanging intended for gallery installation–social justice & individual meditative theme-will be simply hand-quilted and probably finished with raw thread-bearing perimeters and internal “seams”. I love your site-great narrative comments and photos-love your down-to-earth practical and funny comments. I inspired to especially thank you for your awesome idea of “marking” quilting lines with good ole masking tape. Since I am using straight lines, your idea, practical-inexpensive without issues of disappearing (or not) lines! By the way, my quilting heroes are: Amish, Crazy Quilts, and Quilts of Gee’s Bend (“Gee’s Bend The Architecture Of The Quilt”). I love imperfection and the blessings given to us from African American women. Blessings to all, Charlie

  36. Paula says:

    I read this post and the Hera-specific post. I have a bone folder on hand since I am also a papercrafter. I tried a crease on a quilt sandwich in progress. The fabric has a black background with a dainty white floral pattern. I couldn’t see the crease on the dark fabric. I noticed the fabric in your Hera video is very light. Just wondering if you have been able to use the Hera marker with dark backgrounds. Or maybe the bone folder was not the right tool for my experiment. Thanks!

  37. Miss Sam Nicholson says:

    Thank you I never could figure out how to use the Hera marker. Makes sense now! Yes, I am guilty of using pencil, but have learned my lesson! I still use masking tape. I’ve tried the disappearing pens and the chalk pencils but nothing beats the tape! I have a tendency to “draw” my own patterns so I will be trying out the Her a marker, I usually use chalk to do my drawings but hate when it smudged so am looking forward to trying the Her a marker for drawing!

    • Suzy Williams says:

      They can be hard to see on certain types of fabric or even certain prints. If you don’t get a sharp crease by pressing hard on a flat surface, that could be impacting how well you see the marks too. It’s totally fine to use another marking tool, like a water soluble marker, if the creases made from a hera marker just aren’t enough.

  38. Alda Vidrich says:

    I only use the Chaco marker with white chalk and that works well and leaves no permanent mark. However, time back in my newbie day I used the yellow chalk and it left an ugly yellow stain on the white fabric that is still there. The project was a small wall hanging so was able to mask the stain. Will never use colored chalk again. The hera marker is great especially on dark fabric. The other marker that seems to present no real problems is the marker that air disappearing marker. Only caution is that you cannot mark more than a few lines or you need to work quickly because it can disappear quickly based on light intensity, temperature and humidity. Have not determined which factor has more impact on the longevity of the marked line.

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