Lydia Nicholson


Lydia is the face behind Arve Handmade. She lives in rural North Dakota with her husband, Norman, and daughter, Blake. When she's not sewing during the wee hours of the morning, she's usually working as a photographer, playing Settlers of Catan, or trying to keep her daughter out of the cupboards.

This quilted floor pillow tutorial walks you through step-by-step instructions to sew a floor pillow using the Maypole wall hanging pattern. #sewingtutorial #quiltpattern

Maypole Quilted Floor Pillow Tutorial

Crafty friends, this quilted floor pillow tutorial is one you'll be bookmarking so you can make it again and again. The reason is because at some point in your life, you've probably had to sit on the floor. It might've been while you were playing with your kids or grandkids, visiting some friends with limited seating, or maybe while you were waiting for a delayed flight at an airport.

Learn how to make comfortable face masks for kids in this easy sewing tutorial! All you need is a little bit of fabric and some elastic. #facemasks #kidfacemask

Easy Tutorial: How to Sew Face Masks for Kids

In this easy tutorial, I'll show you a fast way to sew face masks for kids. With fall quickly approaching, your kiddo might be looking forward to joining activities again, and potentially heading back to a school setting. 

Determining when and how to re-enter these social situations is a question we won't be tackling today, but there's a good chance that somewhere along the line, your child might be required to wear a mask.

Learn all of the skills needed to make a quilt with this free DIY quilted checkerboard tutorial. A great sewing project for kids! #quilt #sewingtutorial

Free DIY Quilted Checkerboard Tutorial

This DIY quilted checkerboard is a perfect project for beginner sewers and children learning to sew. You only need small scraps of fabric and the most basic tools. Let's get started!

I'm so excited about this sewing tutorial because I have fond memories of playing checkers with my dad – first me getting mad and crying because he beat me and then, after the next game, getting mad and crying because he let me win.