Free Little Houses Baby Quilt Pattern


With Christmas right around the corner, I am scrambling to finish last minute projects and make as many handmade presents as I can possibly squeeze into the next 10 days. What great timing for a free baby quilt pattern, right?

Sometimes designing a quilt can be...a labor of love. But, sometimes, when inspiration strikes like a beautiful bolt of lightning from the sky, designing a new quilt is pure love, with no laboring at all. That's exactly how it was when sketching out this Little Houses baby quilt.

I saw the rich reds, blues and golds of this Littles fabric line and was reminded of a Mid-Century modern color palette I had tucked away a few months back. I then thought, "These fabrics are so cute and little, they need to live in equally cute little houses...but let's not hit ourselves over the head with representational houses...oh no, no, let's boil them down to their most basic elements, just like the designers in the glorious Bauhaus movement and on into the Mid-Century modern days. Let's design representational houses for our dear bunnies and birds!"

Free Little Houses Baby Quilt Pattern | Suzy Quilts

This is a very beginner-friendly pattern and requires no special tools, notions or rulers. If you would like the rundown on my favorite tools for quilting, check out any of the blog posts below!

Free Little Houses Baby Quilt Pattern | Suzy Quilts

If you are interested in purchasing this Little Houses quilt kit, click here to buy it at You can also buy individual prints from the Littles line at fabricworm too.

Free Little Houses Baby Quilt Pattern | Suzy Quilts

If you're wondering why my sewing machine is front and center in the picture below when all you really want to see is the quilt top, it's because I took this for a blog post I wrote about how sewing machines work. You should give it a quick read! Click here to learn How Sewing Machines Work

Free Little Houses Baby Quilt Pattern | Suzy Quilts

No onto the the free pattern!

Click HERE to download the FREE Little Houses baby quilt PDF pattern.

And also, click here if you would like to sign up for my newsletter to get alerts about other free patterns and tutorials. FYI, I write A LOT of free patterns and tutorials, so why wouldn't you want to know about them? 😉

Happy quilting and be sure to use #LittleHousesQuilt if posting pictures to social media. Oh, one last thing! If you do make a Little Houses baby quilt, let me know in the comments. I love hearing from you!

Free Little Houses Baby Quilt Pattern | Suzy Quilts

And I had to include this picture because Scrap is always where you don't want her to the most adorable way.

Free Little Houses Baby Quilt Pattern | Suzy Quilts

32 thoughts on “Free Little Houses Baby Quilt Pattern

  1. Connie Drake says:

    Hi Suzy, I just want thank you for all the time and work you put forth so all can learn and enjoy. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday time ! Connie

  2. Crystal Altamirano says:

    Thank you for another adorable pattern!!! I totally just snagged a quilt kit 🙂 You are so inspiring with all your awesome tips and tricks and beautiful pics!!! Love your blog too-you crack me up!!! I can’t wait to share my progress on Instagram <3

    • Suzy Quilts says:

      yay!! I hope you have fun making it! And take a look at my IG stories to know what NOT to do. haha! I was remaking this today and totally spaced out while sewing – forgot to flip some of my blocks and now they are all going the same direction. oops!

  3. Nicola O Donovan says:

    Hi Suzy, loved your Whole Cloth quilt demon on you tube. I would love to begin making quilts but I dont have a walking foot as my machine is just a basic singer model. Is it possible to make small quilts successfully on a domestic machine?
    Many thanks.

    • Suzy Quilts says:

      It definitely is! Just baste really well and sew slowly. You can, I think, buy a walking foot for most Singer sewing machines. There are companies that make universal walking feet too.

  4. Aapris Medzhibovsky says:

    Hi Suzy, this is such a cute pattern – thank you for making this! I was going to start the cutting for this tonight, but have a question – does a half inch need to be added to the cutting dimensions? For example, should I cut a 4×7 square-inch rectangle instead of 3.5×6.5 square-inch rectangle to account for seam allowances?

  5. Teresa Martin says:

    Hey Suzy. I am a new quilter and I must say that your website has taught me so much. Thank you. My question (and it may be a stupid one) but I am going to tackle the little houses quilt and I have downloaded it, but how do I get the template. I watched your video but my problem is that I don’t have access to a printer. I know I can measure myself but my concern is being so precise as you mentioned this in the video as it is very important. Any suggestions?

    • Laura Hopper says:

      Hey Teresa! Welcome to quilting, we’re so glad you found SQ early in your journey! Our best advice is to print off the template at a public library or your local copy shop if you’re concerned about making your own. Those are great options for printing! Enjoy making your quilt 🙂

    • Suzy says:

      One thing I do in a pinch is put a piece of paper on my computer screen and trace the template. You could even just draw tick marks at the points then connect the marks with a ruler.

  6. Teresa Martin says:

    Thank you again for helping me. I actually did what you said tracing it onto a template and I think it will work. I am sorry for all the questions but I do have another one. I am down to cutting the border on the Little House and question is I bought 1 yard of fabric not realizing that the WOF should have been 42″. The one that I bought is actually 36″. Do I need to go back and get a different fabric that is 42″ or is it okay to use the 36″? How does it affect the quilt?

    • Laura Hopper says:

      Hi Teresa! One standard yard of fabric is 36″ long (the length of one yard) by 42″ wide. The width of fabric is the measurement from the selvage edge to the other selvage edge (the finished edges of the fabric that probably have writing on them telling you the manufacturer of the fabric). This is where the fabric is folded in half on the bolt. When you measure that, it should be 42″! If the selvage to selvage measurement is in fact 36″, you might want to go get a fabric that is 42″. You can see an example of what I mean in this blog post:

  7. Teresa Martin says:

    Thank you so much Laura. I was actually measuring the wrong direction. I am so glad that I found SQ website. Such great information and wonderful people to communicate with. Again thank you and God bless.

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